Ambassadors' Wives Visit Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions


Group photo

The Publicity Department of the CPC Xi'an Municipal Committee in conjunction with the Foreign Affairs Office of Xi'an Municipal People's Government, the Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions, and CRI Online organized a visit to the Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions on September 11 as part of the Ambassadors' Wives' Trip to Xi'an.


Visiting Xi'an Model Worker Spirit Exhibition Hall

The wives of ambassadors to China from the nine countries of Cape Verde, Comoros, Latvia, Lesotho, Mauritius, Micronesia, North Macedonia, Tajikistan, and Vanuatu visited the Xi'an Model Worker Spirit Exhibition Hall. In spite of their different cultural backgrounds, the visitors were deeply moved by the remarkable achievements of Chinese model workers and their motivating spirit of love for their job, wholehearted devotion to their task, diligence, courage in innovation, and indifference to fame and wealth. Recognizing in the model workers the precious spiritual heritage of the Chinese nation, the ambassadors' wives spoke of its value and significance as the cornerstone of social progress and development and its transcendent nature as a thing worth learning and conveying to all the peoples of the world.


Taking a photo of the model worker's story

Later, the ambassadors' wives visited the Xi'an Federation of Trade Union’s employee library and were struck by its rich collection, exquisite decoration, and warm atmosphere, a reflection of the trade union's care for the spiritual and cultural needs of its employees. In particular, the ambassadors' wives were impressed by the facilities for women and children, including the parent-child reading zone and the maternity area. The wife of the ambassador from Lesotho, Mamaieane Elizabeth Rabale, said, "It's gratifying to see such a human-centered library, with so much consideration for women and children. The employees here should be happy to have such a good reading environment."


Visiting the employee library

The visit sought to promote international exchange and facilitate a deeper understanding of the Chinese model workers' spirit and the people-oriented approach of the trade union. The ambassadors' wives were impressed by the lofty spirits of the model workers and the unremitting efforts and remarkable achievements of Chinese labor unions in promoting employee development.

Appreciating Chinese calligraphy

Model workers embody the ideals of labor and are the pioneers of their times. Their stories shine like stars, lighting the way forward and inspiring younger generations to strive for excellence and embrace their responsibilities. As the strong backing for workers, trade unions are committed to fostering the spirit of model workers and upholding the value of labor. They create a platform for workers to showcase their talents and achieve their dreams. In China, countless workers continue to demonstrate the spirit of these great models through their actions and achieve remarkable things for a new era.

环球时讯 » Ambassadors' Wives Visit Xi'an Federation of Trade Unions
