Diplomats from Over 10 Countries Gather in Huyi, Seeking New Opportunities for Rural Revitalization

Diplomats from more than ten countries, including Nigeria, the Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ghana, and Zimbabwe, recently gathered in Huyi District, Xi'an City of Shaanxi Province, to witness the "Huyi Model" of China's rural revitalization and seek new development opportunities in this area.

Group Photo

Diplomats enjoying Huyi's intangible cultural heritage

Diplomats taking part in Huyi's Drum Dance

During the event, they visited Caijiapo and Liyukou villages, enjoyed traditional crafts such as paper cutting and wood carving, and watched drum dance performances, which gave them a deep understanding of how culture & art have revitalized rural areas. In recent years, Huyi District (formerly Huxian County) has steadily promoted rural revitalization, exploring a "Culture & Art + Rural Revitalization" path that aligns with its unique characteristics. This approach has fostered the "Huyi Model" of Culture & Art empowering urban-rural integration, painting a picture of thriving industries, ecological livability, and prosperous lives. Huyi has become a window for the international community to understand China's rural areas.

Diplomats Visiting Caijiapo Village

The scenery of Caijiapo Village

Diplomats Tasting Coffee in Liyukou Village

Ninikangwa Olachi Okey-Uche, Minister of the Nigerian Embassy in China, gave high praise for Huyi: "Huyi is so beautiful! The food and scenery here are impressive. So, I want to congratulate China; if this is what rural revitalization looks like, then I think China is doing a great job!"

Diplomats Visiting Huyi Farmers Painting Museum

Known as the "Hometown of Modern Chinese Folk Painting", Huyi is one major birthplace of Chinese farmers' paintings. Upon entering the Huyi Farmers Painting Museum, the diplomats were immediately captivated by the brightly colored and life-rich farmers' paintings. By far, Huyi farmers have created over 100,000 paintings, with more than 1,200 winning awards domestically and internationally. Thousands of works have been exhibited in 68 countries and regions, and tens of thousands have been collected by international individuals and museums.

Display of Huyi Farmers' Paintings

Diplomats Experiencing Huyi Farmers' Painting

Farmers' paintings are a window for the world to understand China's rural areas. Kabba Ifama Senkou, a diplomat from the Republic of Guinea, said: "I learned that the paintings in the museum are all created by farmers, which is truly remarkable. Farmers' paintings express love and hard-work and are inseparable from the farmers' lives. At the same time, they showcase another aspect of rural life. Through these paintings, we learn a lot about the lifestyle in Chinese rural areas."

环球时讯 » Diplomats from Over 10 Countries Gather in Huyi, Seeking New Opportunities for Rural Revitalization
